quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2011

Aventuras no Barco / Boat Adventure

Guess what I did today? I woke up at 5am from a hammock which was surprisingly comfortable to see the morning colors of the sunrise. I held a sleepy sloth in my hands and played in the water with pink dolphins. We went to an Indian village and had time to lie in the sun all with 87 other exchange students from 21 countries from around the world. A day to remember.
Ariana Carr, United States

Yeah, with 87 exchange students on one boat. That means a little bit of sleep with lots of annoying late-sleeping exchange students and even the crew. And it all ends up in ghost stories. With all that we have to celebrate three birthdays. Today it was Tom’s (Australia) and tomorrow Magda’s (Polonia) and mine. Unique days for all of us. But to celebrate your birthday in Brazil, in the Amazon, that’s really cool. You’ve heard what they say about what we’ve done today, only one word can describe this: AMAZING!
Jasmijn Wijnbergen, The Netherlands.

Bueno, como describir esta experiência de emociones y grandes aventuras? Hemos tenido la gran oportunidad de ver cosas increibles, miedo, emocion, de todo. Hoy despertamos temprano para ver el amanecer, tuvimos la oportunidad de tener en nuestras manos um oso perezoso , un yacare cosas que nunca olvidaremos, aparte de convivir con 87 intercambistas , una experiência inolvidable, no ahy como describir, se tiene que vivir!
Nayrobi Bautista, México

Perfect CaiPiranha flavor Jacarè ingredients:
Take 87 exchange students, one coordinator Debora, two monitors Adriana and Nina and one Rotary chaperone to start off. Mix that with three boats, excellent chefs, guides legais, mosquitoes chatos, fofas spiders and as many grasshoppers one could possibly find. Its then time to add some flavor in the form of sticky repellant, coloridos fish, pink dolphins and sleepy sloths. hammocks, lots of bushes but more water, sunburns and one-almost-broken-foot, brazilian bathing suit, bastante alegria, three birthdays.
Gerda, Clare, Rick

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